Monday, May 21, 2007

Light prep.

Being a leader means being able to take different roles.
Contacting people might be one of the privileges!
...Colours of life...

Watch out Oslo!

Hard Core Prep.

They say it's all about the heart, but real humbleness is to go low, real low...

One sunny Saturday two girls woke up as homeless in the capital of Norway. Not knowing what to eat, where to go and where to lay their heads...Humilitation has now a whole different dimention! A facial expression really can say more than a million words...

...Freedom is something you discover when you loose everything....

"What you give up you cannot keep, what you gain you cannot lose!"

Talking, loving and hanging loose with homeless people really teaches you things that were never written in the history books...But what they say can change your history. How they express love, in a simple but still so deep way, can touch your heart even more and help you love unconditionally too... Seeing life from different point of viewes really makes you see people as people, we all have our beauty. It all depends on the eye that sees..

Kings & presidents, homeless & poor, black & white;

welcome to our lives.

...Life- changing experience...

The journey is on.

What does it mean to act in faith?
What does it mean to live as a missionary today?
“Walk what we talk”
“Speak life”
Can two girls make it just by trusting a personal God?
It’s about giving Him the glory

After a year living and loving in Kristiansand, we are finally ready for the big kick off! We still don't have all our cash, but we'll make it simple:) The 1st of August we'll hit the road to live out the Great Commission (Matt 28), and "Urbanus" is when the typical backpacker tour becomes best friends with the traditional missionary trip (Rom 16,9). Love it or leave it, but this is how the journey's gonna look like...Enjoy!

London, 1st of August (Miss Sweden meets Miss Norway)
South Africa, 2nd of August
Ethiopia, 14th of August
Brazil, 25th of August
Peru, 23th of September
El Salvador, 30th of September
Costa Rica
Los Angeles, 7th of October
Honolulu, Hawaii, 8th of October
Kona, Hawaii, 12th of October
New Zealand, 21st of October
Australia, 29th of October
India, 27th of November
Kristiansand/Gothenburg, 21st of December

.Let the holy show begin.