Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Simple living in Ethiopia.

Coming to Addis Ababa was like stepping into the heart of Africa.

People call it untouched...and it really is!

We spent our time in Debre Zeit, 1 hour from Addis. We've been working in an christian orphanage called Joshua Academy. It has 50 kids that had their parents die in HIV/aids....heartbreakers for real man! They live in houses/"families" of 10 kids each and a housemother. Their school is next door, Kindergarden through grade 7.

Feeling the vibrations of the African Bush, we've been milking our own cows, been run over by donkeys, fighting the mosquitos and mingling with the locals.

During our time our days would be filled with teaching all the classes english daily, having devotions (bible/drama/songs/prayers/games), helping out, playing with the kids, visiting the houses, socializing and just being around.

Simple living, that's how we like it!!

The kids are truly beautiful!

The kids are in need of love, and love is all they need! Making each one of them feel special and unique takes their everyday life to another level. They are longing for physical touch and affirmation! Meeting their needs is like seing 50 stars come alive*

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